Outdoors for a better vision
Have you wondered whether your kids eyes develop normally or if they see well enough? We are trying to deal with this new lifestyle, where computers, TV and smartphones are [...]
Explore your child’s Big Little Feelings
Many studies published in the last decade have shown that emotional intelligence is somehow more important in the educational process than learning new information itself. The Romanian state school system [...]
Welcome to the back-to-school season!
There are only few days left until the beginning of the new year in kindergartens and schools. We are getting ready for the big change in our schedule. And we [...]
Mothers also need breaks
Several years ago, World Health Organization identified burnout as one of the nowadays afflictions. And parental responsibility in raising children is one of the potential causes. What is parental burnout? [...]
Get kids closer to nature
Every season, spending time outdoors should be an opportunity for joy, knowledge, and exploration. Children learn how to make friends, to cooperate, to negotiate their territory and toys. And, let’s [...]