Move Around

The activities will be a boost of knowledge acquisition implemented in a creative way, fostering the children’s curiosity, enlarging their horizon, encouraging them to express their opinions and use their imagination.

Little Gym

Movement is a great way for children to learn how to: reduce stress, Improve concentration, balance, and flexibility. Games, fundamental movement skills like jumping skipping, hopping, throwing and catching will be incorporated into this fun, non-competitive class.

Theme: Move Around / Little Gym

Age range: 4-6 yo

Teacher: Roxana Halus

Location: Parcul Regele Mihai I, Blvd Aviatorilor 106, Roaba de Cultura green spot

Time: Sat/Sun: 11-13 AM

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Kids Yoga

Incorporating the storyline of ‘A New Home for a Pirate’ by Ronad Armitage & Holly Swain, the kids will embark on a treasure hunt journey. The objectives of this class will be:

  • Storytelling
  • Develop balance and learn asane positions
  • Explore the feeling of being part of a community and homebound
  • Practice relaxation and mindfulness

Theme: Move Around / Kids Yoga

Age range: 4-8 yo

Teacher: Laura Kiritescu

Location: Parcul Regele Mihai I, Blvd Aviatorilor 106, Roaba de Cultura green spot

Time: Sat/Sun 11-13 AM

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Learning and Movement

We listened to your needs and started a dedicated class for toddlers to encourage the intellectual, social emotional and physical development needed for future learning.

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills to prepare for kindergarten independence
  • Develop speech and phonetic sounds through storytelling, a series of fun and engaging activities
  • Learn colors, shapes, numbers, artsy ABCs through interactive and hands on activities 

Theme: Move Around / Learning & Movement

Age range: 2-3 yo

Teacher: Adina/Simona

Location: Parcul Regele Mihai I, Blvd Aviatorilor 106, Roaba de Cultura green spot

Time: Sat/Sun: 11-13 AM

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